
Thursday, November 13, 2014

mental wonderings

I was reading Navi's post about creating a Facebook account and it brought about this rather long line of thinking, none of which really relates to Navi's Facebook account but it's what got me started. See, I've had an account on Facebook since 2005, back when only college students were allowed in the cool people's club. Anyway, I was thinking about how my guild made me join their Facebook group and discussion and then gave me crap later for never, ever being on Facebook, posting anything, or using Facebook, ever. I've improved. I now check once, maybe twice a week to catch up on what they've been discussing. But for some reason I found myself considering why I don't use Facebook very often. In the end, my issue is that I like my privacy. When I took the Myers-Briggs personality profile test, I discovered that I was an INFP personality. Basically, I don't open up to others very well. I prefer to keep myself to myself. I don't use Facebook because I do not like the idea of having all these people knowing things about me. I was then hit by the thought about my blog, do I let people know me though my blog? I don't really think that I do. I don't post very often. Usually only when there's some achievement that I completed. I'm more likely to talk about what I do rather than what I think. It's not a bad thing to talk about what I'm doing in game. But I haven't really been doing much in-game and there's not really much to write when all I'm saying is that I managed to complete some task. I'm not too sure I have a point. I know I keep people at a distance. I would like to try and be better about being more personal. This blog is important to me and I would like to be more consistent about posting. I know, I keep saying that and then I'm not, it's about actual doing that rather than wishing that. I'll just say that I'm working on it.

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